Explore, Practice,Play- weeks 1 and 2

Things have been quiet over her for a while. The last time I wrote here consistently was when I took a month away from social media. Soon I’ll have an e-book available which compiles all the posts and some added thoughts about social media and creativity. That being said, on to this week’s post.

Inspired by surface designer and author Jen Hewett, I am taking a try at printing and potentially sewing things from what I create. My introduction to lithography was in the late 90’s. I was in my teens when I attended an art school called New Orleans Center for Creative Arts (NOCCA) where I studied in the visual arts program. One of my teachers,  Louise Mouton-Johnson,  a visual artist and arts educator introduced me to Lino-cutting and I was hooked. It would be many years before I would revisit it with a few printing projects here and there.

Recently, I’ve been wanting to push myself in a similar way that Jen did by working to print something every week. I’m not sure I’ll make it 52 weeks, since I know I’ll be traveling this summer. But in the meantime, I will strive to print weekly for as long as I can. There might be some weeks I have to skip but in the beginning, at least for the first three months, I will strive to print weekly.

Last week’s print was centered don practicing. I creating some new stamps and refreshed some old ones.  I consider it my prep printing week. Here are some of the practice prints as well as some of my supplies.

This week, I wanted to try to play around with repeat patterns on a large piece of cotton I bought.  I’ve completed a little over a half yard and plan to complete the entire yard. I hope to make a handbag from this print or maybe a pillow. We’ll see.

I hope you check back in next week. My plan is to post every Sunday (or Monday) after the print is complete. Thanks for stopping by.


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